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Tahitan Juice Noni :: Sejarah Tahitian Noni

Sejak 2000 tahun lalu, buah noni ternyata sudah dipergunakan untuk meningkatkan kesehatan khususnya oleh penduduk di daerah tropis. Hingga sekarang ternyata khasiatnya masih banyak dipergunakan untuk berbagai kegunaan, terutama untuk menyembuhkan penyakit. 

Tahitian Noni® adalah suatu merek yang produk-produknya berbahan dasar daun &buah noni. Pemrosesannya dikerjakan dengan sangat teliti berdasarkan hasil riset yang dapat dibuktikan. 
Perusahaan Tahitian Noni International (TNI) merupakan perusahaan yang pertama kali  memasarkan produk berbahan dasar noni ke dunia, memiliki laboratorium serta tempat pemrosesan terbesar, research center, memiliki teknologi tinggi yang dikhususkan untuk mengolah tanaman noni. 

Hingga sekarang riset-riset terus dilakukan oleh banyak lembaga independen, rumah sakit, para peneliti, dan Universitas di dunia. Khasiat Tahitian Noni Juice sangat baik, dan telah terbukti dari penelitian secara klinis. 
Tahitian Noni International menjadi satu-satunya perusahaan yang memegang gelar "The Expert in Noni". Perkembangannya tercatat dalam sejarah dunia bisnis global modern sebagai "The Fastest Growing Company", no.1 di dunia, dengan menguasai 95% pangsa pasar dunia. 
Produk unggulan TNI yakni Tahitian Noni® telah diuji oleh praktisi medis di dunia. Pada tahun 1996 peusahaan Tahitian Noni International mulai berdiri dan membawa keajaiban dari tanaman noni kepada dunia, menggabungkan peninggalan kuno dengan ilmu pengetahuan modern.

TNI hits new heights as 8,000 Independent Product Consultants gather at the MGM Grand in Las Vegas to witness the launch of an industry-changing product called HIRO™. Based on the goodness of the noni fruit, HIRO comes in three benefit-driven varieties: Energy, Mobility, and Vitality.
HIRO appears in press postings all across the U.S., and within three weeks, more than one million cans are sold. As the product is rolled out worldwide, millions more cans fly off the shelves and IPC businesses explode. Markets across the globe see record sales thanks to the excitement HIRO is generating.
The company also introduces the TNI Advantage program, which allows IPCs to purchase large quantities of HIRO at discounted prices. The TNI Advantage program provides an extra incentive for serious business builders from other network marketing companies to take up the Tahitian Noni cause.

6,000 distributors from around the globe converge on Universal Studios Hollywood to celebrate the company’s tenth anniversary.
After 10 years, momentum has never been stronger: More than 50 new TAHITIAN NONI products make their debut as TNI continues to find new ways to bring the benefits of noni to the world.

New Lifestyle Centers open throughout the U.S. and in countries around the world, giving the general public a place to experience Tahitian Noni products. Tahitian Noni Cafés™ expand to Provo, Dallas, and Atlanta, U.S.A.; Sao Paulo, Brazil; and Nagoya, Fukuoka, and Tokyo, Japan. 100 cafés will open by 2010.
Tahitian Noni garners major national and international press attention. Athletes, scientists and other industry experts begin endorsing Tahitian Noni products.
Introduction of $3 million sweepstakes with cash prizes from $10 to $10,000 and a grand prize of $250,000.
The company opens a new, state-of-the-art processing facility in Tahiti.

Tens of new products are introduced, all of which center around the key elements of the noni plant: Fruit, leaf, and seed.
The government of French Polynesia awards TNI for its contributions to the nation's economic growth and overall positive impact. The company also receives the 'Corporation with Social Responsibility' award from the U.N.-sanctioned International Council of Caring Communities (ICCC).
TAHITIAN NONI™ Equine Essentials™ is born. This first-ever noni-based equine liquid supplement helps all types of horses reach optimal health and full potential.
TNI launches a revolutionary distributor training program, called the Success Path, leading to dramatic increases in distributor retention and sales.
The company creates Origins and Destiny, an epic film that documents the history of the treasured noni plant. 

Cumulative sales reach $2 billion, with more than $1 billion in cumulative commissions paid back to distributors.
The first Tahitian Noni Café™ opens in Tokyo, Japan, laying the groundwork for a whole new chapter in the Tahitian Noni story.
The company launches Tahiti Trim Plan 40®, the first weight-management program exclusively for women over 40. 

Griffin Hill, an independent marketing research firm, publishes a study stating that "Tahitian Noni International is one of the fastest-growing private companies in America, and fewer than ten private companies in the history of the world have been able to equal Tahitian Noni International's first six years of growth."

Tahitian Noni International is ranked #26 on Inc. Magazine's list of 500 fastest growing private companies in the U.S. The company's new 150,000-square foot world headquarters opens in Provo, Utah.

Tahitian Noni International founders meet with the government of French Polynesia to sign a special agreement that will bring the country new jobs and significant investment.

The company reaches a new milestone: $30 million in sales in one month; total annual sales top $300 million. Explosive international growth continues as TAHITIAN NONI® Juice is taken to Japan, Mexico and Hong Kong.

Tahitian Noni International posts $33 million in sales during its first year in business. International expansion begins.
With a combination of food science expertise, industry experience, and business and marketing acumen, the foundation is laid for the creation of a revolutionary new venture: Tahitian Noni International.

After coming across the research of Dr. Heinicke, food scientist John Wadsworth travels to Tahiti and confirms the existence of a commercially viable source of noni. He conducts interviews with natives and government officials, and searches libraries for historical documents. He discovers that the ancient claims were true—all research indicates that noni has astounding properties.

While researching pineapple plants, Dr. Ralph Heinicke discovers the beneficial properties of the noni plant. His research would eventually lead to the founding of an entire industry, one that would improve the lives of millions of people.

Captain James Cook and his crew discover the paradisiacal islands of Tahiti and make note of the widespread use of noni among the inhabitants.

500 BC – 200 AD:
Noni fruit grows wild and becomes a pillar of Polynesian civilization. All parts of the noni plant are used—fruit, leaves, seeds and bark. The noni fruit spreads throughout the Pacific.

4000 – 2000 BC:
More than two thousand years ago, the ancestors of the Polynesian people left Southeast Asia in search of new horizons across the sea. In addition to their families, these explorers carried with them sacred plants necessary to sustain life—the coconut, the pandanus, the taro, and the precious noni, which was prized as a secret to health. These "canoe plants" were eventually cultivated in the volcanic islands of Tahiti. With rich soil and clean air, the noni plant thrived. Ancient Ayurvedic texts call noni Ashyuka, which is Sansktrit for "longevity." The texts explain that noni balances the body, stabilizing it in a state of perfect harmony.

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